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Serving Michigan Since 1947
Your Partner in Seamless Urban Traffic Management
Connect & Protect with Expert Fiber Optics Solutions

Cities and towns across Michigan face the daunting challenge of maintaining flawless Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Strain Electric steps into this arena with unparalleled skills and a readiness to tackle faults and breaks within the essential fiber optic networks. Our team of seasoned electricians is equipped to swiftly diagnose and rectify any disruptions, striving to maintain the continuous flow of transportation data crucial for your city’s ITS.

These complex systems demand constant attention and precision. Disruptions in service can severely hinder ITS infrastructure. That’s where Strain Electric comes in, offering rapid repair services alongside proactive maintenance plans to keep your systems up and running. Our electricians bring cutting-edge technology and a wealth of expertise to the table, devising solutions that stand the test of time for traffic signal issues, fiber optic problems, and equipment malfunctions.

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Let’s Keep Your City’s Traffic Flowing Smoothly

Partner with Strain Electric for a resilient and robust ITS network. Contact us today to schedule service with our certified electrical contractors.

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The Backbone of Efficient Urban Transportation Systems for 75+ Years

Installing Intelligent Transportation Systems in Michigan

Strain Electric has been a vanguard in electrical services for Michigan’s municipalities since its inception over 75 years ago. Our extensive history in powering and maintaining traffic signal and transportation system infrastructure is a testament to our commitment and the trust we’ve garnered. We seamlessly integrate time-tested practices with modern technological advancements, delivering top-tier electrical solutions.

Our long-standing dedication to high-quality service and safety has fostered strong bonds of reliability with the communities we serve. A team of expertly trained electricians stands ready to respond to any electrical needs, guaranteeing that traffic signals remain operational in any condition. We prioritize safety and efficiency, illuminating streets and keeping them safe for both drivers and pedestrians.

Fiber Splicing

Fiber splicing is a precise technique used to join two fiber optic cables, creating a continuous optical path for efficient signal transmission. This service plays a key role in repairing breaks and expanding network capabilities, facilitating a seamless flow of data across vast distances.

Fiber Testing

Fiber testing involves a comprehensive assessment of fiber optic lines to verify their performance and integrity. This vital service boosts the fiber optic network to operate at peak efficiency, identifying and proactively addressing any potential issues before they impact connectivity.

OTDR Testing

OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer) testing is a specialized method used to evaluate the quality and performance of fiber optic cables. It delivers detailed insights into the length, attenuation, and overall health of the fiber, pinpointing specific locations of faults or imperfections within the network.

Tackling Common Intelligent Transportation System Issues

Elevate Your Infrastructure with High-Performance Fiber Optic Cabling

Difficulties with ITS, such as signal timing mishaps and hardware malfunctions, can significantly affect traffic flow and safety. Strain Electric can precisely pinpoint and rectify these occurrences, aiming for the smooth operation of every element within your ITS. Disruptions within the system can lead to increased congestion and slower emergency responses. Our proactive stance encourages regular check-ups and maintenance to ward off common problems, helping municipalities maintain a high-performing ITS for a more dependable travel environment.

24/7 Emergency Service

ITS Installation and Maintenance FAQs

An intelligent transport system (ITS) is a technology applied to transport and infrastructure systems to improve safety, efficiency, and environmental performance. By employing various technologies such as traffic management tools, electronic toll collection, and real-time information systems, an ITS helps optimize the flow of traffic, reduce congestion, and enhance the overall transportation experience.

Strain Electric’s expertise in ITS installation checks that transportation systems are integrated with the latest technology for maximum efficiency.

Installing and maintaining an intelligent transportation system (ITS) with Strain Electric can significantly enhance traffic management and safety. ITS systems facilitate better route planning, reduced travel times, and lower accident rates by providing real-time traffic data and managing transport networks more effectively.

Regular maintenance by Strain Electric guarantees that these systems function reliably over the long term, preventing downtime and reducing the likelihood of traffic disruptions.

Optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) testing is crucial for maintaining the integrity of fiber-optic networks within intelligent transportation systems. Strain Electric recommends scheduling OTDR testing at least once a year or after any incident that might cause damage to the fiber network. Regular OTDR testing by professionals like Strain Electric tests for the optimal performance of communication channels which are integral to the successful operation of ITS.

Comprehensive Fiber Optic Repairs for Uninterrupted Connectivity

Powering Smarter Cities with Advanced ITS Solutions

Reach out to Strain Electric now to fortify your Intelligent Transportation Systems. With a commitment to quality service and reliability, we are poised to be your steadfast partner in municipal electrical solutions. We focus on optimizing every aspect of your transportation infrastructure for safety, efficiency, and sustainability.

Our team’s expertise and dedication to excellence make us a trusted name in providing cutting-edge solutions to complex challenges. Let us help elevate your city’s transportation systems with services that keep you moving forward.

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